Port Credit (43 33.0 N, 079 34.6682 W)

View from the berth at Port Credit.

8/12/2016 (tues)

Been a busy few days. Splashed the boat monday, and moved in that night. Its been real hot, especially when there's not a breeze. Most things are in place, but obviously lots of things forgotten, missed and just plain not got done. Gave up the rental car yesterday so this the first day to get boat work done without any running around. Communications continues to be a problem. Data from my phone is spotty at best and just can't be relied on. Voice always seems to be working, just no data. Its 10:30 now and can't get data on any network. Maybe I'll take a walk over to starbucks. Manoj has questions but I'm not paying roaming to sort out work issues. Thinking about it I ought to just set aside and hour perhaps for communicating. Even if its just text, too many freinds and family being ignored.

Took the boat out for a sail last night, very little wind at first then more like 20 kts. Patrick came along, with LT, James, his girlfreind and his dog. The dog was really, really well behaved. And come to think of it so was his girlfreind. Boat behaved surpisingly well. Reached 7.3 mph at one point (yes speed meter reads MPH, I need to change that). Someone broke the head pump and we lost a bumper. Just more to do I guess.

Still too much stuff just lying around in the boat. I need to find places for everything. Decided against getting a bike, too much shit on board anyway. Got to make life simpler not more complicated. Walking will do.

Said good bye to Stuart, he's a character I'll miss. He's heading to New Brunswick, I think thats where his wife's family is from. Him and his wife rescued me with beer on monday when I was moving stuff on-board. Stuart was the one who explained to me that a marina is just a trailer park for rich people.

II hope I can fix the head, that could be real awkward. (Update: fixed that same day. Pump clogged with toilet paper.)

Todays to-do list is 14 items long. and its nearly 11:00.

Weather: Grey, humid and very blustery. Looks like its NE, gusting over 20 kts, average 15. Guess I need to be more on NOAA radio.


Had a bit of a late start but headed over to St Catharines to pick up Mike. Hell of a journey. Set off after 10 with no wind. Motored out put up sails all looked good as I drifted south. Then the thunder storms built and all hell broke loose. Chased across the lake, auto helm not working, big waves, big wind. Got acros the lake 5 miles from St Catharines and motored in. Finally figured out how to get the chart plotter working 3 miles out from St. Catharines.

I pulled in to a slip easy to park it in. Nice and empty. Empty because the whole finger was being rebuilt and covered in goose shit. Still good for the night.

MMet up with Laurie and we went for dinner together.

 Mike called and we met up after he'd crossed the canal. Was dropped on the wrong side by the taxi.