Left town to find wind. We are only going 9 miles to Baie Eternete (I beleive thats eternity not internet) so we tried tacking into the wind coming down the fjord. We made perhaps 2 miles before the wind died, that ate 3 hours. Motored onto the bay to find what looked exactly like 'Juraissic Park'. Very wooded, dramatic hills, and a river valley that created the bay. We motor up to the dock not expecting to see any one, but there's a couple from Florida right at the dock entrance watching a beaver. We're talking to them when a boat comes in with 2 rangers and what looks like 2 scientists, complete with color charts. They explain the procedure for paying, which involves an 800 number. And yes there's cell service at the dock. But of course its past five pm and the recording says to call back during office hours. We go for a walk and find there's a great trail system here that goes all the way to the top of the cliffs on the fjord. There's also a visitors center complete with a ground hog wandering around. First I've ever seen live.
We move over to one of the 2 mooring buoys still left, cook a meal and spend the night.